Musicians Anonymous Jam

As the name suggests, some musicians are more “addicted” to playing and jamming than others. Our friends at Musicians Anonymous provide this crucial existential and creative need for all musicians in “need.” Every Wednesday, through the dark and shortening Canadian nights, Musicians Anonymous gathers at the Imperial Pub to co-create, jam and provide a space for musical expression. An open-stage for all talented, experienced and novice musicians, the backroom of Imperial Pub lights up with special projections, spontaneous tunes, and everyone off-stage dancing to the vibes.

If you want to meet talented musicians and fulfill your musical destiny or just listen to some good tunes and ecstatically move your body, check out the Musicians Anonymous Jam on a Wednesday night. They also make the sickest posters for each weeks gathering! Hosted by the beautiful and talented Griffin.


Winter Solstice Storytelling (Event)


Pom Fam Jam (Event)