Weekly Newsletters

  • Sunny Days - 17/4/2023

    This week was a beautiful one, we finally got a taste of the sun and got to be out and about, comfortable again in our bodies. Thank you to everyone who joined us to share, create and begin a new blossoming.

  • Spring Cocoon - 10/4/2023

    Crafting of the Spring Pomazine is well under way, thank you to everyone who submitted their amazing work! Excited for this project to blossom into life. We will be reaching out in the following two weeks for any small edits!

  • April Fools (Not)! - 3/4/2023

    Join us this Thursday for a night of music and movement at Ecstatic Dance Toronto. This week Sanya will be crafting another journey weaving together recorded music and live instrumentation.

  • Budding with Enthusiasm - 27/3/2023

    Percussion night is back at Alternity this Saturday. Join us a for a night of drumming, dancing and socializing. The evening will start with a percussion lesson, so come early and bring your percussion instrument of choice.

  • The Nights are Bright Once Again - 21/3/2023

    What becomes possible when we are fully present with body, heart, and mind? We invite you to discover what’s possible with us on Saturday through a practice called Collective Presencing.

  • Spring Has (Almost) Come! - 13/3/20223

    Thank you so much to everyone who contributed their wonderful work to this promising project! We appreciate all of your beautiful submissions and we can't wait to see them brought to life in this collaborative community zine!

  • March into Spring - 6/3/2023

    We are really excited to bring together all the amazing pieces that have already been submitted. Thank you to everyone who has contributed their work. If you haven't made your submission yet this week is your last chance!

  • Warm Dreams of Spring - 27/2/2023

    Pomegranate is excited to introduce some new events focused around embodied belonging. New offerings will feature regular improv classes, creative group workshops and massage lessons for pairs…

  • Abound and Boundless - 21/2/2023

    Love is abound in its many shapes and forms, in its triumphs just as in its trials and tribulations, never ceasing to expand our understanding of the boundless. To love is to be alive and hold close that, which makes us feel this way.

  • Pomazine - 13/2/2023

    As you might have heard, we are putting together a zine! This is a very special project for us and we'd like to create "Pomazine" with your contributions! We are looking for stories, essays, reflections, poems and visual works!

  • Musical Journeys - 6/2/2023

    This week we danced the cold and the snow away, bringing new energy into February. Thank you to everyone who joined us at different events and activities. It is always a pleasure to create and share space :)

  • Snowed In - 30/1/2023

    The multi-talented Sina Bathaie is putting on a show, featuring some amazing live instrumentation, breezy dancing and a beautiful new venue. Hope to see you all there!

  • Burning Up - 24/1/2023

    Thank you to everyone who joined us for a magical night of art, music, dancing and reigniting of the Burning Man spirit. Please check out the Flamers group for Sideburn updates, events and community.

  • A Little Old, A Little New - 1/16/2023

    Excited to announce the jam packed line up of artists joining us in reigniting the passion in burning man this Saturday. Going to be a night to remember! See you all soon.

  • Stepping into the New Year - 9/1/2023

    We are very excited to reignite the passion for burning man right here in Ontario. You don't want to miss these amazing artists, DJs, art installations and interactive activities.

  • The Year of the Rabbit - 3/1/2023

    Happy New Years to everyone :) Wishing you all a year filled with creativity, growth and exploration. We are excited for what lies ahead and hope that you will join us on this journey, we have a lot of fun things in store this year!

  • And, That's a Wrap - 27/12/2022

    This week was stunningly beautiful. We shared deep intimate stories and held each other in vulnerability. What a gift it is to be alive and human and to be in community. Thank you to everyone who shared their stories.

  • Telling Stories - 20/12/2022

    This week we danced, drummed, collaged, wrote our learnings from the year, and heard them once again, beautifully composed in poetic words. Thank you to everyone who came to Pom Fam Jam and communicated in honesty.

  • Fever of Love - 5/12/2022

    This week was full of movement and music. We created together and released some pent-up energies of the moody, cold November days. Thank you to everyone who joined us in creative expression, we appreciate you!

  • Shadowplay - 29/11/2022

    This week we shifted the needle back to our regular fall weather. We crafted images and sounds together in warm and comfort and made new friends in the process. Thank you to everyone who came out and joined in on the fun.

  • Wombic Rhythm - 21/11/2022

    This week, we stepped into the dark, danced in a sonic womb, met new faces, and enjoyed each other's company. Thank you to everyone who came to Minimal Liminal Techno!

  • Crossing Thresholds - 14/11/2022

    Energies ran high this week, we played music danced and came together in so many different ways. To you, to everyone who came out and contributed their time and energy.

  • Minimal Liminal Techno - 7/11/2022

    This week the pomegranate rolled through beautiful sunny November days and cooked up a new TECHNO event for the community. This time we are inviting you to MINIMAL LIMINAL TECHNO on NOV 18!

  • A Fox Walking Down the Street - 31/10/2022

    The beauty of a warm Halloween weekend is catching people in costume all over town. Horned devils ordering Starbucks coffee as a tired fox walks down the street smoking a cigarette.

  • Last Bit of Sunshine - 24/10/2022

    This weekend left us all with a warm autumn smile. Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us in conversation, meditation and dance. Always an inspiration to learn and grow alongside one another.

  • Dancing with the Waves - 17/10/2022

    This week ebbed and flowed like a strong, determined river. We are excited and grateful for the new opportunities flowing our way, stay tuned for lots of new offerings.

  • Leaving Your Mark - 11/10/2022

    Pomegranate vibrantly rolled through the alley this weekend, giving thanks to friends, art, expression, and community. Now, when we wake up, instead of seeing teenage angst in the form of graffiti tags, beautiful lively murals greet us.

  • Changing Colours - 4/10/2022

    This Sunday we're excited to say our goodbyes to the summer with another amazing mural jam from Kat and friends. There will be food, music, dancing and even some fire bending so be sure not to miss this one.

  • Falling into Fall - 27/9/2022

    This week was a rich one. We danced, we laughed, we set things on fire. Thank you to all the new faces that came out to join us on some new adventures. Looking forward to seeing you all again very soon.

  • Autumn Seeds - 19/9/2022

    This week we felt the first cold autumn wind as we gathered to do yoga and to play some music at the park. Luckily it was no obstacle we couldn't overcome with warm layers and good company.

  • Dancing Like the French - 13/9/2022

    Pomegranate rolled hard this weekend. The dance floor packed, sweaty bodies dancing all night long, we enjoyed music, expression, and philosophy all together.

  • Another Summer For The Books - 6/9/2022

    It seems just yesterday we were shaking off the spring cold with our Lady Pomegranate mural block party. It has been an amazing and rich summer. Thank you to everyone who gave their time, energy and loving attention.

  • Loose Hips - 29/8/2022

    This week, Jorge's comeback at Dalhousie filled our hearts, loosened our hips and moved our bodies left, right, up and down. Cocktails, tacos, ceviches in the belly, we all danced and rocked Dalhousie.

  • Existential Pomegranate - 22/8/2022

    Mark your calendars for FRENCH EXISTENTIAL TECHNO - you don't wanna miss this. September 9th, we will be mixing our favourite existential thinkers into some groovy and heavy-hitting techno beats.

  • New Looks - 16/8/2022

    Fresh Pomegranate Juice - 16/8/2022

    This week, we are excited to update our looks with a fresh new logo. Big thank you to all the artists who submitted their work it's been a treat to see all the ways a pomegranate can roll.

  • Summer Heat - 8/8/2022

    It's been a hot one. This week we hid under the long shadows of luscious trees and nourished our bodies with fresh fruit and water. We stretched our bodies and played under the radiant summer sun.

  • Singing Soul - 2/8/2022

    This week we moved and were moved, we witnessed and were witnessed by the other. A luscious plurality of unique individual voices that come together in a powerful choral of unity, of this beautiful thing we call life.

  • Sunrise to Sunset - 25/7/2022

    From sunrise to sunset, we fill our days with art, with music and with good people. Co-creation is the process we choose to be lost in. It is our shared-ground. Thank you for your loving attention, and for your active participation.

  • Come Rain or Shine - 18/7/2022

    What a rich and a beautiful week, thank you to everyone who joined us in the various adventures. Together we stretched, danced and explored new dimensions physically and emotionally.

  • Winds of Change - 11/7/2022

    Another week filled with good weather, good people and new adventures. Christie Pitts Jam has reached local celebrity status with their feature on morning news this Thursday.

  • Basking in the Sun - 4/7/2022

    This week we basked in the glorious summer sun as we gathered, stretched, danced and met beautiful new people. Thank you to everyone for joining us, it's been a true blessing.

  • Happy Pride! - 27/6/2022

    This week Toronto was brought to life in a whole new way with the first celebration of Pride after the lockdown. Energies ran high as people filled the streets to gather, to connect and to express themselves.

  • Summer Solstice - 20/6/2022

    This weekend we invited you into the dark, to travel across barren lands into a magical forest by the water. We gathered under the moon and sat around a fire listening to music and reflecting on our hopes and dreams for tomorrow.

  • A Midsummer Night's Dream - 14/6/2022

    This Saturday, we are excited to invite you to gather and co-create a space of love and belonging. We will be making art, making new meaningful connections and reflecting on our past, present and future.

  • Thrive - 6/6/2022

    A radical belief that Pomegranate wishes to promote is the idea that we are also put on this beautiful planet to thrive. To bring out the best in each other, in ourselves and the world around us.

  • Summer?? - 30/5/2022

    Hard to believe, but summer is only at its beginning and we already been blessed with so much amazing weather. Grateful for another week filled with sunshine, music and laughter.

  • Growing Pains - 18/5/2022

    This week the sun showed us some serious love and all the same time, so did the moon. Definitely making it one wild ride of a week. We danced, we cried, we laughed and we planted various berry bushes for the future.

  • Together We Play - 9/5/2022

    Together we play. Together we grow. This weekend the POM crew got to let loose and catch some of our first sunburns. We are excited to come together in so many different beautiful ways. Stay tuned for upcoming events :)